Honest John?

Honest, competent, transparent, safe… these are just some of the words I would never use to describe John Swinney. Although first minister by default, he is a failure. The loyal consigliere – his role now seems to be a reprise his last stint as SNP leader and take the fall for the next electoral defeat. Possibly hanging on to Holyrood, damage limitation for the SNP to regroup under Forbes or Flynn, if he is still around. 

Yet this latest lemon in a line of lacklustre nationalist leaders, is being lauded by some nationalists as a ‘safe pair of hands’. 

Do they even believe it themselves? Perhaps those with cognitive dissonance and short memories.

I know most voters don’t.

But for the sake of first time voters and the newely arrived, here are some highlights of his career so far: 

The Pension Memo 

When I look back over his career, I think Swinney’s greatest public service was costing the nationalists the Pensioner vote in 2014.

In the process this smoking gun proved that the SNP systematically were knowingly, at the highest levels, deliberately, lying to voters about the economic risk of independence. 

A confidential cabinet memo authored by Swinney, finance minister at the time,  was obtained by the media, revealing stark warnings that directly contradicted the SNP’s public messaging on the economic viability of an independent Scotland. 

The party line insisted independence would bring economic benefits. But Swinney’s leaked private memo raised grave concerns about an independent Scotland’s ability to afford pensions and public services after separating from the United Kingdom.

The leaked document, titled “Affordability of an Independent Scotland’s Public Services and Benefits,” highlighted Swinney’s private fears at the heart of the Scottish government about the potential costs and risks to the pension system under independence. This stood in stark contrast to the reassuring rhetoric being pushed to voters by the pro-independence campaign.

Swinney briefed cabinet that after independence benefits, including the state pension, would not be affordable due to significant uncertainty around losing the UK’s broader tax base and social security infrastructure.

The leak proved highly embarrassing for the SNP and Swinney personally. Opposition parties, charities, pensioners, analysts and MSPs accusing the Finance Minister of misleading the public by downplaying the economic risks of independence behind closed doors while projecting confidence to voters. 

“This leaked memo gives the lie to the SNP’s claim that pensions would be affordable after leaving the UK,” 

For Swinney the leaked document severely dented his credibility and exposed the large gap between the optimistic propaganda presented during the separatist referendum campaign, and the stark economic damage they acknowledged behind closed doors. 

Yet that one coverup barely scratches the surface. 

Denying Democracy

Fighting the expressed will of the Scottish Parliament in 2021, as the minister in charge of liaising with the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints, Swinney twice refused to publish legal advice requested by the committee, leading to two failed votes in Parliament to persuade him.

This resulted in opposition parties announcing a motion of no confidence in him, which he narrowly avoided by eventually publishing some of the advice.

The legal advice was central to allegations of a conspiracy and cover-up by the government against Alex Salmond.

It had been suggested that the Government was told it’s prosecution would fail but pressed ahead at huge cost – Salmond claimed the government had been advised by counsel on October 31, 2018 that it was unlikely to win the judicial review case, Swinney’s refusal to publish advice, despite it being the expressed will of the Scottish parliament – twice – fueled suspicions he was trying to hide material that could implicate the government, and subverting Scottish democracy. 

The redacted information he did eventually produce did little to dispel this. The committee said it was still not reassured it had all requested legal advice, suggesting Swinney was hiding parts that may have been damaging.

It made a mockery forever of the idea that the SNP respect the democratic will of parliament. 

Bad Education 

As Education Secretary in 2020, Swinney faced backlash over the downgrading of thousands of pupils’ teacher-estimated grades by an algorithm. After initially defending the process, he performed a U-turn to save himself amid threats of a no-confidence vote at Holyrood. Thousands of Scottish Pupils had their university places and futures put at risk, while being put under huge distress.

Also while Education Secretary Swinney was heavily criticised for the utter lack of progress in closing the poverty-related attainment gap in Scottish education- a key manifesto promise before elections, but education, health and transport have always played second fiddle to separation. It was never an actual priority. 

A 2021 report by Audit Scotland concluded his efforts had “limited” results and “fell short of the Scottish Government’s aims.” In some council areas, the gap between the richest and poorest children even increased.

Michael ‘Morocco’ Matheson 

The case against Michael Matheson is clear cut. He ran up £11,000 in internet charges on a family holiday, got the tax payer to pay for it, then lied about it, and received harshest punishment ever imposed on an MSP; a 27-day suspension and 54 days without salary. 

But he has also had senior SNP figures such as Humza Yousaf and John Swinney close ranks to protect him. 

With that familiar faux nationalist outrage that anyone, even the Scottish Parliament, should dare try and hold the SNP to account, Swinney has opposed the sanctions. Echoing Donald Trump’s ‘political witch-hunt defence’ he claimed the committee was politically motivated and prejudiced against Matheson, despite the clear breach of the MSPs code of conduct. 

Covid Recovery Secretary

Swinney’s appointment as Covid Recovery Secretary was seen as a demotion from Education to try and draw a line under his failures.

There were internal concerns he did not have the vigour or urgency that the role demanded. (Yet apparently now he is the best leader they have to offer.)   Relationships had become frayed with the business community, particularly in hospitality, which were furious at Nicola Sturgeon’s lockdown restrictions during the pandemic. While the lockdowns were similar to those in the rest of the UK, in Scotland the businesses were abandoned rather than supported. The COVID funding money denied to these Scottish employers has never been fully accounted for – the SNP say it was spent, but they didn’t keep the receipts so can’t say on what. 

In parallel, millions were found to pay for independence whitepapers. 

Ferry Scandal 

Swinney, who was the Finance Secretary at the time, signed off on the final deal for the ferries, which has cost taxpayers at least £240 million, and left islanders without reliable service for years, despite warnings of potential legal challenges. The Scottish Conservatives accused the SNP of an “operation” to blame disgraced former minister Derek Mackay for the scandal, while allegedly covering up Swinney’s role in approving the deal.

Swinney was consulted and gave the green light for the dodgy deal.

MSPs demanded that Swinney explain to the parliament why he chose to ignore expert advice and approve a deal that opened the government to potential legal action and further losses. Nicola Sturgeon claimed he didn’t make the decision: however released documents showed officials escalated the matter to Swinney, seeking his final clearance.

Would you buy a used country from this man? 

There’s a lot I’ve not touched on here: what he did or didn’t know about alleged embezzlement, and when he did or didn’t know it, ways his statements have apparently misled voters by contradicting what we now know he knew, reports of his behind the scenes machinations in this turbulent production of Macbeth in modern dress we call the SNP. 

What is clear is that John has a long track record of fighting transparency, making bad decisions, denying accountability, and bald faced hypocrisy.

I only hope that after this election defeat the SNP keep him on to the Scottish elections. After the pension memo leak that would be his second act of public service to end his long and undistinguished career. 


The Courier. (May 2022). Tories accuse SNP of ‘covering up’ John Swinney’s role in ferry scandal. Retrieved from https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/politics/scottish-politics/3288560/tories-snp-john-swinney-ferry-scandal/

 The Scotsman. ( 2023, March 23rd). Ferry scandal Scotland: Report details a sorry saga the Scottish Government must learn lessons from. Retrieved from https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/ferry-scandal-scotland-report-details-a-sorry-saga-the-scottish-government-must-learn-lessons-from-4075564

The Herald Scotland. (2022, May 11th ). John Swinney consulted before ferry fiasco contract was given to Jim McColl’s Ferguson Marine. Retrieved from https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/20131954.revealed-john-swinney-consulted-ferry-fiasco-contract-given-jim-mccolls-ferguson-marine/

Scottish Daily Express. (2022, May 11th ). SNP ferries fiasco: John Swinney gave green light for ‘dodgy deal’. Retrieved from https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/snp-ferries-fiasco-john-swinney-26938419

The Telegraph. (2022, May 12). Deputy’s role in ferries scandal rocks the boat of MSPs in Nicola Sturgeon’s government. Retrieved from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/05/12/deputys-role-ferries-scandal-rocks-boat-msps-nicola-sturgeons/

 The Telegraph. (2021, May 18). Nicola Sturgeon appoints John Swinney Covid Recovery Secretary. Retrieved from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/05/18/nicola-sturgeon-must-remove-failing-john-swinney-education-secretary

Holyrood. (2021, May 18). John Swinney appointed cabinet secretary for COVID recovery. Retrieved from https://www.holyrood.com/news/view,john-swinney-appointed-cabinet-secretary-for-covid-recovery

BBC News. (2021, May 18). John Swinney to be minister for Covid recovery. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-57161751

Scottish Parliament. (2023, Jan 19). COVID-19 Recovery Committee – Scottish Parliament. Retrieved from https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/official-report/search-what-was-said-in-parliament/CVDR-19-01-2023?iob=127752&meeting=14103

Institute for Government. (2021, Nov 17). John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister of Scotland. Retrieved from https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/event/devolution-and-scotland-john-swinney

AP News. (2024, May 6th). John Swinney expected to lead Scotland after taking the helm. Retrieved from https://apnews.com/article/scotland-national-party-leader-swinney-yousaf-1aae06432f70d018cf7d1b3514648f63

Scottish Parliament. (n.d.). John Swinney | Scottish Parliament Website. Retrieved from https://www.parliament.scot/msps/current-and-previous-msps/john-swinney

Wikipedia. (n.d.). John Swinney. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Swinney

BBC News. (2024, May 28th, updated 29th ). John Swinney says he will not back Matheson ban over iPad bill. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c900n0dg97yo

Scottish Parliament. (2024, May 9th). Meeting of the Parliament: Recent publication. Retrieved from https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/official-report/search-what-was-said-in-parliament/recent-publication?iob=135298&meeting=15845

Published by Bingo Demagogue

Twitter - @BingoDemagogue

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